Elias' Pi Page

Read Pi
Why is Pi always written in the decimal number system? It would be even more
beautiful if it was written in the simplest of all number systems, the
Read through the 32768 first bits of binary Pi!

Listen to Pi
There is actually an infinite amount of information
hidden in pi, so it must be possible to find any information in it if
you just have enough time and computing power.
For example, has anyone ever tried to let a computer treat the binary
digits of pi as a piece of digitized sound? Maybe the voice of God
is sampled into pi, or a piece of music, or just white noise. It would be
disappointing to discover that pi is nothing more than just the
ultimate white noise generator!
Listen to the 65536 first bits of binary Pi!

Look at Pi
Pi is a totally theoretical object created in our minds - as are all
numbers. Nobody has ever seen Pi, but it is possible to visualize it
in different ways using computers.
Look at the bits of binary Pi!